Holy Trinity Foodbank provides crisis support for those in immediate need of help. We are supporting those who have empty or nearly empty cupboards and pockets and bank accounts. We tend to support around 50 – 60 households on an average week. It is the intention that we direct people to other support services within and outwith Holy Trinity rather than leaning on the Holy Trinity Foodbank in the medium to long term.

If you need help
The foodbank is open every Tuesday from 2pm to 3pm. For immediate crisis support, come along to 1 – 2 Hailesland Place, EH14 2SL. You do not need to phone or email first. We can give immediate help. We will ask you some questions, but no referrals are required.
We give immediate help and then ask questions. Whilst some agencies will direct people to us a referral is not needed to receive immediate support. We will ask for proof of residence and number in the family before continued support is given on subsequent visits. We will also make you aware of other support services that may help your situation both within and external to Holy Trinity.

If you wish to donate
The Foodbank has run for many years and is dependent on donations from our kind supporters, and the time our wonderful team of volunteers donate in the preparation and setting up of the Foodbank throughout the week and at the Foodbank on Tuesday afternoons.
If you want to make a financial donation you can go to our Stewardship page or use the QR code below, click on the ‘Give‘ button and then select the option to ‘Give as guest‘. We always encourage UK taxpayers to sign up for Gift Aid as this increases the value of their donation to the Foodbank by 25% (the Government will pay the difference).

If you wish to donate food we are open to receive donations on Tuesday mornings prior to the Foodbank opening, or by arrangement, in which case please contact Fiona Watson.
If you have any questions regarding the Foodbank please contact Fiona Watson, Foodbank and Café Team Lead Fiona.watson@holytrinitywesterhailes.org.uk.
For a further flavour of the Foodbank please see the video below prepared by our previous Lead Angie Thompson during the Covid-19 pandemic.