How do I become a Christian?

Nobody is born a Christian. You become a Christian when you believe and receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. At its most simple a Christian is a follower of Christ – the One sent from heaven to bring us home to God and into His family. The bible says that “to all who received him, to those who believed in his name he gave the right to become to become children of God.”

All this is made possible through Christ Jesus when he suffered and died on a cruel cross in our place for our sins. After his burial, death could not hold him, and he rose triumphant from the grave, offering eternal life to all who would believe upon repentance and faith.

Because this is what God has already done, you can become a Christian today! There is no formula but many have started their new life in Christ with this simple prayer and you may find it helpful:

Father in heaven, there are so many things in my life that have separated me from you. I now turn from everything that displeases you and put my faith in Jesus Christ. Thank you that through Jesus death on the cross, I can be forgiven, accepted and made new. I believe it was for me that you lived, died and rose again. I ask you to fill me with your Holy Spirit so that I may know that I really am a child of God, born again into your family. I believe and receive you, Lord Jesus. Amen

If you have prayed that prayer, then God hears your prayer and “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved!” This is the start of an exciting journey. Make sure you tell someone that you have become a Christian and begin to read the bible and pray.

Finally, don’t be a Christian on your own – become part of a local Church that believes God is real and believes God’s word is true.

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