What to Expect
Our services are full of life and informal so no need to dress up. We spend time greeting one another, praising God, praying and listening to God’s word. Most important to us is entering and experiencing His presence with thanksgiving. In the morning children come back into the service at the end and share what…
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Our services are open for anyone wishing to attend. The services are live streamed on Facebook and YouTube. An opportunity for the Church family to come together to worship God and hear from His Word. During the morning service the babies and toddlers, children and teenagers have their own groups where they worship and…
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Our Evening services An informal and lively service open to all who want to go deeper with God. During the service there are opportunities for ministry, testimony, praise and the preaching of God’s Word.
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A selection of videos of recent songs, with lyrics, that we have used during worship at Holy Trinity Wester Hailes
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