Bridge Cafe

About the Cafe

The Bridge Café is a warm and welcoming place where you can enjoy good food and good company. The menu varies from day to day with great value meal deals and there is always delicious home made soup and fresh baking.  Our soup and fresh fruit is always completely FREE!

We are open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 10.00 am till 1.30 pm. The café can only run with the help of our invaluable volunteers. If you’d like to join us as a volunteer, please speak to or e-mail Fiona Watson , Café and Foodbank Team Lead.

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It has become an annual highlight (literally!) as everything in the cafe goes yellow next week (26-28 March) for our Daffodil Days! Come and join us next week when our coffee and cake proceeds will all be going to Marie Curie - bring a friend and be cheered by a reminder that we are heading into spring 🙂 ... See MoreSee Less

It has become an annual highlight (literally!) as everything in the cafe goes yellow next week (26-28 March) for our Daffodil Days! Come and join us next week when our coffee and cake proceeds will all be going to Marie Curie - bring a friend and be cheered by a reminder that we are heading into spring :)

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